Ainsley Rodriguez Interviews With Ripped Recipes

Age: 21
Weight: 115lbs
Height: 5’4″
What got you started in the fitness lifestyle?
I have always lived an active lifestyle and my joy for movement was definitely discovered at a young age. I was engaged in gymnastics and dance when I was a toddler and my love for dance took hold of me as I continued to participate in the dance teams in both middle and high school. In my sophomore year of high school I was offered the opportunity to leave my current high school and begin attending college in an accelerated studies program. As always, with success comes sacrifice and this meant leaving dance behind. I willingly pursed my intellectual path and began college at the age of 16 but this didn’t mean I was ready to leave that rush of endorphins that comes with exercise behind! Due to time restraints I began to shift my focus from dance toward the gym and before I knew it…I was hooked! From balancing textbooks on the Stairmaster to super setting workouts, I always managed to find a way to get to the gym.
Where does your motivation come from?
Many of my followers and fans help me TREMENDOUSLY. The amount of love, support and respect I get from them constantly keeps me motivated. As many times as I may hear that I inspire others, they really don’t realize that they in turn inspire and motivate me too!
What are your next goals?
I hope to continue inspiring and motivating others as well as being a help to those in need of guidance with the personal online coaching I provide. Fitness put me on a road to personal discovery and moved me toward the realm of bettering myself and life along with the people surrounding me. I wish to encourage people and show them that fitness should enhance the quality of their life, not take over it.

What is your training routine like?
- Monday: Shoulders and Abs
- Tuesday: Quads and Calves
- Wednesday: Off (Rest Day)
- Thursday: Biceps and Triceps
- Friday: Shoulders (focus on rear delts) and Abs
- Saturday: Hams and Glutes
- Sunday: Chest, Back and Calves
What’s your preferred form of cardio?
HIIT by far. I live a pretty busy and hectic life so getting the job done in as little time as possible is ideal for my lifestyle. When I’m looking to shed some quick weight I don’t carb cycle or do anything crazy before shoots/contests. I usually just cut out anything with sweeteners and swap my shakes for whole foods.
What does your diet consist of?
I typically eat about 7 meals a day (eating every 2.5-3hrs) consisting of approximately 5oz protein (chicken, fish, egg whites etc) and 4oz complex carbs (boiled red/sweet potato, quinoa, gluten-free oats) at each meal. As for supplements, I take quite a few of those as well! I take glutamine powder 4x a day (first thing in the morning, pre-workout, post-workout and before bed)., Fish oil 3x a day, Anavite Multi-vitamin every day, a pre-workout (I use Prosupps Hyde) and my post-workout whey Protein Isolate is Prosupps TCF-Isolate!

Do you bulk/cut or stay lean all year?
I like to stay lean all year. I am a firm believer in making health and fitness a lifestyle and not just a “diet”. Fad diets limit your nutritional intake and tend to fail in the long run! The key to maintaining a healthy weight isn’t about short-term dietary changes. It’s about a lifestyle that includes healthy eating, regular physical activity and BALANCE. There is no “on-season” or “off-season” for me…I believe in staying lean year round and not missing out!
Do you listen to music while working out?
Pretty much EVERYTHING! And when I say everything…yes, I mean everything. From country to rap, to house music it really depends on my mood that day. I tend to stick to more upbeat music like house when I’m hitting cardio and more rock when I’m lifting heavy.
What are you most proud of?
My tummy! It seems to be everyone’s trouble area but to me the answer is simple…diet! I know it seems redundant and cliché but abs really ARE made in the kitchen. If you have a poor diet, your progress will be hindered no matter how hard you’re working! Many people crunch their lives away at the gym without realizing that those abs are buried under bad food choices!

Are there any athletes, fitness models or bodybuilders that inspire you?
Jaimie Eason is my biggest fitness influence. She is not only beautiful with an amazing physique but she is also a down to earth and real person. I agree with her mindset one-hundred percent. Eating clean and maintaining a healthy body is a lifestyle, not an “on-season”/”off-season” diet.
Any tips for readers who want to get a physique like yours?
Maintain a positive mind set. So many people spend their time and energy reflecting on what they “haven’t” done or “didn’t accomplish”. If you gear this energy toward thinking about what you WILL do it keeps you upbeat and less likely to fall off track!
Want to learn more about Ainsley?
Photo Credits: Inline Photography
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