Interview with Jasmine Schmalhaus a.k.a @Jazzythings
Age: 25
Weight: “While I couldn’t care less what I weigh, I think the scale is bullshit and an indicator of nothing, so I’m not including it for that sole purpose!”
Height: 5’11”
What got you started in the fitness lifestyle?
I remember it like it was yesterday! My journey began in June 2012. I had been fairly “active” growing up. Well, I had always played sports. I had NEVER implemented weight training or proper nutrition growing up. In December of 2011, I purchased a Groupon for a local gym (Pure Workout). I knew I was lazy. I had no drive. I thought making the gym a priority was absurd, but I bought the Groupon. I waited until it was close to expiring, nearly 6 months later. In June 2012, I went to Pure Workout. I have never stopped going since. It changed my life. I implemented weight training, circuit training, and implemented functional-type training into my daily life. My body began to transform, and I learned that I will reach a wall without proper nutrition. Two months after consistency at Pure Workout, I researched the hell out of how to eat properly to fuel our bodies, and it is then that I began experimenting with my nutrition. I still go to Pure Workout to this day!
Where does your motivation come from?
This is a hard question for me to answer, because my motivation is engrained in me. Yes, I have “off” days, but every day I wake up with a drive to continually improve myself. My goals are to be a better “ME” every day. To feel stronger. To resist temptations. To exceed my own expectations. How can I NOT be motivated to do those things?! I set stretch goals for myself, but goals that I know I can obtain if I set my mind to it. The pursuit of these goals keeps me motivated. Believing in myself and proving that I can accomplish new things on a daily basis keeps me motivated.
What are your next goals?
I am currently preparing for my third bodybuilding competition. I will be competing in figure at the NPC Mile High Championships in Golden, CO on May 31. I decided to do a very long prep this time around (24 weeks). This has made the process very methodical and has required a lot of patience; however, I am giving 110% every day. I’m not allowing myself any room for error. I am enjoying the long prep. In terms of a short-term goal, my goal each day is to not each too much peanut butter (ha). I have yet to eat any ounce of peanut butter not specified in my plan. Now THAT makes me proud!
What is your training routine like?
I have never done the same workout twice. My body responds very well to surprise and variety. I am fortunate to have an amazing trainer who I work with every day. He is one of the owners of Pure Workout. After I attended group classes at Pure Workout and decided to compete, I started working out with my trainer, Judah. Now, we are workout partners and we workout together every day. He creates our workouts. They are high volume, bodybuilding-type workouts. We implement a lot of powerful lifting exercises and he supplements those with functional training as well. We do cardio together in the mornings 5 days/week. Our cardio is fun. It is agility/circuit/functional cardio (rope work, medicine ball work, etc). I lift 6 days per week. I have several focus areas this prep, and I am working everything twice. My split is shoulders/back/legs….shoulders/back/legs. I do work chest once a week as well. I am not working my arms this prep, as they grow quickly, and we are putting extra emphasis on my shoulders. “We” is my competition prep coach: Shane Heugly. While I train everyday in the gym with my trainer, Judah, I am a part of Team Heugly, where Shane does all of my competition prep: nutrition, posing, progress pictures, etc.
Have you had to overcome any obstacles to get where you are today?
ABSOLUTELY! Bring on the obstacles – those help me learn. I face many obstacles. Some days I feel defeated. Obstacles push me to kick them in the ass. It’s easy to feel discouraged when face with obstacles. Well, I don’t like easy.
What’s your preferred form of cardio?
As mentioned above, my preferred form of cardio is circuit training. HIIT, essentially. I hate cardio, so I must be doing something that has variety and keeps me engaged. I have to make cardio fun, or I either won’t do it or will dread it. I also started boxing. I am really enjoying that and getting better at that. It’s awesome cardio. Oh, and what do I do when I want to shed some weight? I eat properly and consistently.
What does your diet consist of?
My diet consists of a lot of food. A whole lot of food. I essentially eat “clean,” but I don’t like to identify with any sort of “fad” or “diet label.” I eat according to my goals. If I want to eat something, I determine if that aligns with my goals. I do feel it is important to eat food that is natural and unprocessed, but I also implement a few things that don’t entirely meet that ‘criteria’ (some of my protein powders).
One of my favorite recipes is my 3-ingredient protein waffle! I included this in my Volume 2 cookbook (in addition to tips on how to get the perfect waffle!).

Favorite supplements? I don’t take many supplements, so my favorite by default is protein. No doubt. I love the things I can do with protein. I have around 50 different tubs of flavors. I admittedly have a protein powder collecting issue.
Do you bulk/cut or stay lean all year?
Stay lean all year? HA! I inadvertently bulk aka I eat a lot of cake and nachos in the off-season. Just as I think most competitors would say, I’m working on finding that balance. I love food, I’m not afraid to eat food, and I will always enjoy doing so! Whether I would consider myself in a ‘bulking’ or ‘cutting’ phase – I will always lead a healthy lifestyle, whether I am enjoying pizza or cutting. I love the gym, and working out will always be a part of me.
Do you listen to music while working out?
Yesssssss I do. I turn my headphones on and I turn the world off. I typically listen to Flux Pavilion, Skrillex, Bassnectar, RL Grime, Schoolboy….those are only a few of my workout music choices.
What are you most proud of?
I think it is important to be proud of even the smallest accomplishments along your journey. When thinking about my life as a whole (and not fitness related), I am most proud of quitting my corporate job. I went to college and graduate school for Human Resources. I obtained my “dream” job, working in Human Resources for Nestle USA. It was something I was very passionate about. There were endless opportunities in my role. As I became more involved in fitness and started creating recipes, I found this to be my passion. I loved sharing my recipes with others. I thoroughly enjoy being in the kitchen and creating taste bud parties. I started to become disengaged in my current job. I started working on my cookbook. I released my Volume 1 cookbook while I was still in my Human Resources role. The response was incredible. People love food! I loved that I could show them that eating healthy can be flavorful and fun. Learning this new passion of mine, I realized I was settling in my current role. I thought about it one weekend and went in the next day and quit my job. I took my life savings and I quit. I left security and I left opportunity. But I knew I would be doing something I loved. It has been six months since I quit. I came out with a Volume 2 cookbook, and I am working on a Volume 3. I love the unpredictability of my daily life. My life is a constant adventure. Bring it on, life!
Are there any athletes, fitness models or bodybuilders that inspire you?
My brother inspires me. My brother has always inspired me. He is currently a NCAA Division 1 wrestler (at Utah Valley University). I have been around wrestling all my life. I think it is an extremely respectable sport, and I feel that the dedication it takes to commit to wrestling is unsurpassed. My brother is a true example to me that ANYTHING can be accomplished, so long as you set your mind to it. He proves to me that mental strength is a necessary foundation to success. He makes no excuses. He sets goals and he exceeds them. Another reason my brother inspires me, is that he takes advantage of opportunities to improve himself. He finds an apparent weakness in himself, and he masters it. Then he finds a new area of improvement, and he masters that. He is always continually improving. He is humble, he is driven, he is passionate, and he never EVER gives up.
Any tips for readers who want to get a physique like yours?
Yes, don’t aspire to a physique like mine. Don’t aspire for a physique like anyone. You are your own person. Create your own path. Don’t compare yourself to others. Set specific goals that challenge you. Determine where you want to go, and do everything in your power to get there. Don’t let anyone else stand in your way.
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