Firecracker Strawberry & Blueberry Cottage Cheese Overnight Oats With Layered Greek Yogurt

  • U Serves 1 Person
  • P Prep: 00:05
  • P Cook: 04:00
Firecracker Strawberry & Blueberry Cottage Cheese Overnight Oats With Layered Greek Yogurt

Nutritional Facts

per 1 serving size (Recipe makes 1 servings)

Amount Per Serving

Calories 368

Calories from Fat 87

% Daily Values*

Total Fat 9.64


Saturated Fat 1.04


Polyunsaturated Fat 0.16

Monounsaturated Fat 0.06

Cholesterol 3.75


Sodium 365.75


Potassium 337.00

Total Carbohydrate 53.18


Dietary Fiber 12.90


Sugars 15.36

Protein 23.30

Vitamin A 8.50%

Vitamin C 59.50%

Calcium 70.50%

Iron 16.00%

* Nutritional Values are estimated and may vary

³ Description

This Monster Parfait (for me) and mini Parfaits (for my kiddoes) was prepared with Cottage Cheese Overnight Oats (I love using the CottageCheese because it makes the texture much thicker). The remaining layers were fresh Blueberries, Strawberries & Greek Yogurt. Although this is breakfast,you can easily make this a dessert, try swapping out the Overnight Oats with a different base, replace the greek yogurt with puree bananas/frozen yogurt/cool whip and the toppings are endless. Again, this is another Super-Easy recipe that can be adjusted to meet your taste & needs/goals. Enjoy!!

² Ingredients


q Directions

What you need:

Mason Jar (w/lid)
Measuring Spoons

Other Add-In Options:

Nuts of choice
Add your favorite fruit

*You can sweeten with 1tbs of Stevia (listed) or 100% Maple, Raw Honey, etc.

1. Place all items in Mason Jar (you can mix in fruit or wait until you layer in mason jar), seal lid.
2. Place in refrigerator overnight. (Short on time, place in refrigerator aminimum of 30 minutes and use Quick Oats).
3. Next morning, remove from refrigerator and stir.
4. Layer Oats with Fruit and Greek Yogurt.
5. Enjoy!!! (It’s just that simple)

Recipe Submitted by @nikiadyson

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