Frosted Coconut Berry Cupcakes

  • U Serves 3 People
  • P Prep: 05:00
  • P Cook: 01:00
Frosted Coconut Berry Cupcakes

Nutritional Facts

per 1 serving size (Recipe makes 3 servings)

Amount Per Serving

Calories 55

Calories from Fat 32

% Daily Values*

Total Fat 3.58


Saturated Fat 3.07


Polyunsaturated Fat 0.03

Monounsaturated Fat 0.06

Cholesterol 0.75


Sodium 78.17


Potassium 30.83

Total Carbohydrate 3.58


Dietary Fiber 1.25


Sugars 2.05

Protein 2.83

Vitamin A 0.00%

Vitamin C 6.17%

Calcium 1.33%

Iron 1.11%

* Nutritional Values are estimated and may vary

³ Description

A refreshing dessert on a hot summer day with no added sugar!

² Ingredients

  •  1/4 cup Lowfat (1-2% Fat) Cottage Cheese
  •  1 oz Blueberries
  •  1 small (1" dia) Strawberries
  •  0.17 serving (serving = 2 tbsp) Kroger Unsweetened Coconut Flake
  •  1/2 serving (serving = 2 tbsp) Artisana Raw Organic Coconut Butter

q Directions

Recipe for Frosted Coconut Berry Cupcakes
By: Amy Clevenger,

2 strawberries
2 heaping tablespoons blueberries
1/4 cup low fat cottage cheese
1 tablespoon coconut butter
1 tsp unsweetened coconut flakes

Blend 1/4 cup cottage cheese and 1 tbsp coconut butter and place in the bottom of 3 silicone cupcake molds.

Separately blend strawberries and blueberries. Place on top of cottage cheese coconut mixture. Sprinkle unsweetened coconut flakes on top.

Freeze for a couple of hours.

Take out about 5-10 minutes before eating to soften. Devour!

Recipe Provided by @fantasticallyfit

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