Gluten Free Cinnamon Pancakes

  • U Serves 2 People
  • P Prep: 00:05
  • P Cook: 00:05
Gluten Free Cinnamon Pancakes

Nutritional Facts

per 1 serving size (Recipe makes 2 servings)

Amount Per Serving

Calories 194

Calories from Fat 52

% Daily Values*

Total Fat 5.78


Saturated Fat 1.84


Polyunsaturated Fat 0.05

Monounsaturated Fat 0.05

Cholesterol 2.50


Sodium 280.44


Potassium 125.03

Total Carbohydrate 26.34


Dietary Fiber 3.05


Sugars 10.05

Protein 10.07

Vitamin A 39.50%

Vitamin C 14.82%

Calcium 9.32%

Iron 6.08%

* Nutritional Values are estimated and may vary

³ Description

Fluffy Pancakes Layered with Cottage Cheese & Roasted Butternut Squash in Raspberry Sauce

² Ingredients

  •  1/4 cup Frozen Raspberries
  •  0.1 tablespoon Coconut Oil
  •  1 large Egg White
  •  1/8 tsp Cinnamon
  •  1/4 cup, cubes Butternut Winter Squash
  •  1 serving (serving = 1/4 cup dry mix) Maple Grove Farms Gluten Free Pancake Mix
  •  1/2 serving (serving = 1/4 cup) Trader Joe's Just Almond Meal
  •  1/2 serving (serving = 1/2 cup) Daisy Low Fat 2% Small Curd Cottage Cheese
  •  1/4 serving (serving = 1 cup) Trader Joe's Original Unsweetened Coconut Milk

q Directions

In a Bowl, mix:
1 Egg White
1/4 Cup Coconut Milk
Drop of Coconut Oil
1/8 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon

Whisk in:
1/4 Cup Gluten Free Pancake Mix
1/8 Cup Almond Meal

Cook on Griddle til both sides are lightly browned

In a small bowl, Heat up 1/4 Cup of Frozen Raspberries and mash. Pour onto plate.

Layer Pancakes on Sauce with 1/2 TB of LowFat Cottage Cheese then 1 TB Roasted Butternut Squash

**ChefTiffy Tip**
The thicker your pancake batter, the fluffier your pancake. Adjust milk accordingly.

Recipe Provided by @chef_tiffy

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