Green Eggs & Ham

  • U Serves 1 Person
  • P Prep: 00:03
  • P Cook: 00:06
Green Eggs & Ham

Nutritional Facts

per 1 serving size (Recipe makes 1 servings)

Amount Per Serving

Calories 280

Calories from Fat 80

% Daily Values*

Total Fat 8.87


Saturated Fat 1.63


Polyunsaturated Fat 0.92

Monounsaturated Fat 5.59

Cholesterol 23.00


Sodium 799.25


Potassium 621.50

Total Carbohydrate 10.70


Dietary Fiber 1.08


Sugars 5.87

Protein 37.78

Vitamin A 0.00%

Vitamin C 7.00%

Calcium 7.00%

Iron 4.25%

* Nutritional Values are estimated and may vary

³ Description

I do so like green eggs and ham...thank you, thank you, Sam-I-am!

² Ingredients

  •  1/2 tablespoon Pesto Sauce
  •  1 cup Egg White
  •  1 tsp Olive Oil
  •  3 medium Mushrooms
  •  1/4 medium (2-1/2" dia) Onions
  •  1 serving (serving = 3 slices) Schneider's Fat Free Cooked Ham

q Directions

1. Saute diced onion, sliced mushroom, and chopped ham in olive oil.
2. Pour in egg whites and pesto sauce.
3. Scramble it up!

Recipe Provided by @evscleanstart

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