Mocha Coconut Latte Mugcake

  • U Serves 1 Person
  • P Prep: 00:05
  • P Cook: 00:02
Mocha Coconut Latte Mugcake

Nutritional Facts

per 1 serving size (Recipe makes 1 servings)

Amount Per Serving

Calories 440

Calories from Fat 271

% Daily Values*

Total Fat 30.15


Saturated Fat 21.51


Polyunsaturated Fat 0.01

Monounsaturated Fat 0.00

Cholesterol 1.40


Sodium 412.15


Potassium 79.45

Total Carbohydrate 28.45


Dietary Fiber 15.25


Sugars 5.55

Protein 16.42

Vitamin A 17.78%

Vitamin C 0.80%

Calcium 16.50%

Iron 19.64%

* Nutritional Values are estimated and may vary

³ Description

The delicious taste of a mocha latte and coconut all in one healthy yet incredibly tasty mugcake

² Ingredients


q Directions

Make coconut chia "froth" by combining 2T almond milk, 2T greek yogurt, 1 tsp chia seeds,1/2 tsp coconut extract and sweetener to taste (stevia) in blender. Pulse blend for about a couple seconds, set aside in fridge. Mix all the rest of ingredients in small bowl. Spray coffee mug with cooking spray. Pour "batter" into mug. Cook in microwave for 1.5 minutes. Top cake with coconut chia "froth", unsweetened coconut, and cacao nibs.

*Note: I did not add any extra sugar as I liked my cake bittersweet, but feel free to add stevia or honey to the cake

Recipe Provided by @freshfitnhealthy

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