Pumpkin Protein Pankcakes

  • U Serves 1 Person
  • P Prep: 00:10
  • P Cook: 05:00
Pumpkin Protein Pankcakes

Nutritional Facts

per 1 serving size (Recipe makes 1 servings)

Amount Per Serving

Calories 374

Calories from Fat 60

% Daily Values*

Total Fat 6.62


Saturated Fat 1.51


Polyunsaturated Fat 0.01

Monounsaturated Fat 0.02

Cholesterol 50.00


Sodium 502.90


Potassium 246.20

Total Carbohydrate 33.01


Dietary Fiber 7.13


Sugars 3.13

Protein 41.93

Vitamin A 153.30%

Vitamin C 22.00%

Calcium 13.90%

Iron 13.32%

* Nutritional Values are estimated and may vary

³ Description

Moist, delicious and always a favorite!

² Ingredients


q Directions

- Ground your Oats to a powder.
- Combine Oats, Pumpkin, Egg Whites, Almond Milk, Spice and 3/4 scoop protein into a bowl & mix well.
- Spray your pan with Pam and cook your pancakes on medium heat, flipping once.
- Transfer to plate!

For the Syrup:
- Combine remaining 1/4 scoop of protein with your syrup.
- Add a splash of Almond Milk to keep syrup consistency.
- Add another pinch of spices if desired!

Recipe Provided by @kiracrush

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