S'Mores Banana Nice Cream Sundae

  • U Serves 1 Person
  • P Prep: 00:05
  • P Cook: 00:01
S'Mores Banana Nice Cream Sundae

Nutritional Facts

per 1 serving size (Recipe makes 1 servings)

Amount Per Serving

Calories 556

Calories from Fat 278

% Daily Values*

Total Fat 30.85


Saturated Fat 11.51


Polyunsaturated Fat 0.80

Monounsaturated Fat 3.21

Cholesterol 15.00


Sodium 256.00


Potassium 817.75

Total Carbohydrate 59.51


Dietary Fiber 18.65


Sugars 22.62

Protein 25.71

Vitamin A 18.50%

Vitamin C 57.00%

Calcium 44.25%

Iron 31.50%

* Nutritional Values are estimated and may vary

³ Description

Sit in front of the campfire with this delicious banana nice cream sundae made with a graham cracker protein powder then topped with mulberries (my healthier sub for marshmallows), cacao nibs, and barney butter cocoa +coconut.

² Ingredients

  •  1 large (8" to 8-7/8" long) Banana
  •  1 oz Avocados
  •  1 oz Mulberries
  •  1 serving (serving = 1 oz) Navitas Naturals Organic Raw Cacao Nibs
  •  1/2 serving (serving = 2 tbsp) Barney Butter Smooth Almond Butter
  •  1/4 serving (serving = 1 cup) Silk Pure Almond Milk - Unsweetened Original
  •  1 serving (serving = 1 scoop) Muscle Milk Graham Cracker Protein Powder

q Directions

- 1 large frozen banana
- 1 scoop graham cracker flavored protein powder
- 1/4 avocado
- splash almond milk
- cacao nibs
- mulberries
- 1 tbsp barney butter cocoa + coconut

Combine the first 3 ingredients in your food processor. Add a little milk at a time until your mixture is smooth and creamy. Scoop into a small glass and top with cacao nibs, mulberries, and your barney butter. Enjoy :)

Recipe Provided by @f00dventures

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