Butter Pecan Banana Bread

  • U Serves 12 People
  • P Prep: 00:10
  • P Cook: 00:30
Butter Pecan Banana Bread

Nutritional Facts

per 1 serving size (Recipe makes 12 servings)

Amount Per Serving

Calories 190

Calories from Fat 56

% Daily Values*

Total Fat 6.20


Saturated Fat 1.04


Polyunsaturated Fat 2.59

Monounsaturated Fat 0.66

Cholesterol 23.83


Sodium 148.17


Potassium 247.00

Total Carbohydrate 29.44


Dietary Fiber 2.93


Sugars 12.81

Protein 5.68

Vitamin A 1.17%

Vitamin C 7.17%

Calcium 3.50%

Iron 5.42%

* Nutritional Values are estimated and may vary

³ Description

Satisfyingly warm and delicious, and oh so comforting in your tummy.

² Ingredients


q Directions

Ingredients; 5 ripe medium bananas mashed, 3T grapeseed oil (or any oil of choice), 1 egg, 1t baking soda, 1/2 cup granulated sweetener of choice (I used 1/4 baking stevia and 1/4 cup coconut sugar), 1.5 cups oat flour, splash of vanilla, 1t cinnmon, pinch of sea salt, 2 scoops of vanilla whey (approx. 1/2 cup), 3/4t butterscotch extract (frontier narurals brand), small handful of broken up pecans. 1. Mix wet ingredients 2. Sprinkle with baking soda 3. Stir wet into dry 4. Bake at 175 for 25-30mins. Ovens vary so keep an eye on it and do the toothick test until done! Cover with foil if the top starts to get too brown. Enjoy!♡

** Recipe ingredients call for 1/2 cup coconut sugar. You can sub half or all for baking stevia (check out nunaturals brand) to save a lot of calories!

Recipe Provided by @kristypantss

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