Raw Vanilla and Chocolate Cheesecake

  • U Serves 2 People
  • P Prep: 00:40
  • P Cook: 00:15
Raw Vanilla and Chocolate Cheesecake

Nutritional Facts

per 1 serving size (Recipe makes 2 servings)

Amount Per Serving

Calories 586

Calories from Fat 363

% Daily Values*

Total Fat 40.32


Saturated Fat 24.85


Polyunsaturated Fat 3.28

Monounsaturated Fat 9.11

Cholesterol 0.00


Sodium 172.00


Potassium 651.00

Total Carbohydrate 52.77


Dietary Fiber 11.30


Sugars 22.65

Protein 11.59

Vitamin A 0.00%

Vitamin C 4.50%

Calcium 10.75%

Iron 44.50%

* Nutritional Values are estimated and may vary

³ Description

A delicious and unprocessed raw cake using young coconut meat instead of coconut oil or coconut cream. Topped with the first mulberries growing from my garden, coconut pieces, cacao nibs.. This is the best raw cake that I ever made and the healthy one to . 🌿sugar free🌿unprocessed🌿hight fiber 🌿gluten free 🌿vegan Is a comfort food perfect to eat during this days of stress

² Ingredients


q Directions

a delicious and unprocessed raw cake using


1/4 cup oats
3 dates
4 almonds
Blend all ingredients in the food processor and put in the bottom of a mold. Then put in top the white and dark layer.
1 cup young coconut meat
1/4 cashew nuts( keep overnight in water, in the morning remove the liquid and dry)
3 dates
1/2 tsp vanilla
Blend all ingredients in the food processor..
Chocolate layer:
1 ripe banana (frozen)
1 1/2 ts organic cocoa powder
4 pieces almonds
1/2. tsp mesquite powder (optional)
1/2 tsp lucuma powder (optional)
1 tblsp maple syrup, date molases or yacon syrup. Or stevia.. (Add the sweetener depend on your taste)
Blend all ingredients together in food processor

Note..Coconut Oil is amazing for hormone health. It provides the necessary building blocks for hormone production, can assist weight loss, reduce inflammation, and even has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.
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Bizcocho sin cocinar

🌿 azúcar sin procesar 🌿 🌿 alto fibra 🌿 sin gluten 🌿vegetariano
1 taza de carne de coco joven
Cuarto anacardos (mantener durante la noche en el agua, por la mañana eliminar el líquido y seco)
3 fechas
1/2 cucharadita de vainilla
Mezcle todos los ingredientes en el procesador de alimentos ..
Cuarta taza de avena
3 fechas
4 almendras
Mezcle todos los ingredientes en el procesador de alimentos y lo puso en el fondo de un molde. A continuación, poner en la parte superior de la capa blanca y oscura.
Capa de chocolate:
1 plátano maduro (congelada)
1 1/2 cucharadita de polvo de cacao orgánico
4 piezas de almendras
1 cucharadita de mezquite y polvo de lúcuma (opcional)
1 cucharada de jarabe de arce, de dátiles molases o jarabe de yacón. O stevia .. (Añadir el edulcorante dependerá de su gusto)
Mezcle todos los ingredientes en un procesador de alimentos

Nota .. El aceite de coco es increíble para la salud hormonal. Proporciona los componentes básicos necesarios para la producción de hormonas, puede ayudar a perder peso, reducir la inflamación, e incluso tiene propiedades antimicrobianas y anti bacterianas.

Recipe Provided by @Aissha_alnuaimi

U More Recipes By @Aissha_alnuaimi:

Spicy Pumpkin Oatmeal Raw Chocolate and Peanut Butter Cookies Protein Smoothie Vegetarian Protein Cheesecake

