Spicy Lettuce Wrap

  • U Serves 6 People
  • P Prep: 00:05
  • P Cook: 00:05
Spicy Lettuce Wrap

Nutritional Facts

per 1 serving size (Recipe makes 6 servings)

Amount Per Serving

Calories 198

Calories from Fat 30

% Daily Values*

Total Fat 3.32


Saturated Fat 1.12


Polyunsaturated Fat 0.83

Monounsaturated Fat 1.13

Cholesterol 64.00


Sodium 238.20


Potassium 760.10

Total Carbohydrate 10.24


Dietary Fiber 2.34


Sugars 5.14

Protein 30.99

Vitamin A 321.00%

Vitamin C 82.90%

Calcium 7.00%

Iron 14.30%

* Nutritional Values are estimated and may vary

³ Description

This is a great low-carb option for a wrap! These are packed with flavor and will make your taste buds singing!

² Ingredients

  •  1.8 oz Corn
  •  12 serving (serving = 1 tsp) Gulden's Spicy Brown Mustard
  •  6 leaf outer Green Leaf Lettuce
  •  18 oz Baby Carrots
  •  24 oz Tilapia (Fish) (Cooked, Dry Heat)
  •  18 grape Grape Tomatoes

q Directions

1. Cut 1 head of lettuce and take 6 medium sized leaves for your wraps (discard or store the rest)
2. Cook 24 ounces of tilapia (about 3 cut in half) in a medium sauce pan adding nothing, but a little water to prevent sticking
3. Remove tilaipa from pan and chop it up.
4. Place 4oz each of the chopped tilapia in each lettuce leaf
5. Cut 18 grape tomatoes in half, place 6 halves in each wrap
6. Place 1 tbsp corn in each wrap
7. Cut into small pieces 18oz of baby carrots and place 3 oz each into each wrap
8. Drizzle 2 tsp each of spicy brown mustard onto the wraps and enjoy!

Recipe Provided by @anybritt_fit

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