Cinnamon Peanut Butter Waffles With Strawberries and Chocolate Pb Drizzle

  • U Serves 1 Person
  • P Prep: 00:04
  • P Cook: 00:04
Cinnamon Peanut Butter Waffles With Strawberries and Chocolate Pb Drizzle

Nutritional Facts

per 1 serving size (Recipe makes 1 servings)

Amount Per Serving

Calories 362

Calories from Fat 47

% Daily Values*

Total Fat 5.22


Saturated Fat 0.74


Polyunsaturated Fat 0.51

Monounsaturated Fat 0.57

Cholesterol 30.00


Sodium 638.44


Potassium 353.58

Total Carbohydrate 41.68


Dietary Fiber 8.01


Sugars 13.68

Protein 39.31

Vitamin A 3.20%

Vitamin C 46.11%

Calcium 32.36%

Iron 10.42%

* Nutritional Values are estimated and may vary

³ Description

Cinnamon Peanut Butter waffles with Strawberries and chocolate peanut butter drizzle,Aren't the crisp edges and the chewy centers of a waffle to die for! And this waffle is healthy you can have it whenever you want! This combination is excellent and its really just a hint of pb2 in the waffles. The flavors really compliment each other ! Plus you can whip one up in 5 minutes! Enjoy my waffle loving friends

² Ingredients


q Directions

1 scoop cinnamon protein (or vanilla but add a-little more cinnamon )
1.5 tbs oat flour
2 tbs pb2
12 ish drops English toffee stevia
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1 egg white
1/4 c ripe smashed banana
.5-1 tbs almond milk(consistency you like )
1/2 tsp baking powder
(If you want a sweeter waffle you could add a packet of stevia)

1.5 tbsp chocolate pb2
Enough water to make a drizzle consistency when mixed with pb2
Walden farms pancake syrup
Chopped strawberries

Recipe Provided by @deliciouslyfitnhealthy

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