Roasted Pear & Asparagus Almond Chicken Salad

  • U Serves 1 Person
  • P Prep: 00:12
  • P Cook: 00:20
Roasted Pear & Asparagus Almond Chicken Salad

Nutritional Facts

per 1 serving size (Recipe makes 1 servings)

Amount Per Serving

Calories 446

Calories from Fat 167

% Daily Values*

Total Fat 18.60


Saturated Fat 2.28


Polyunsaturated Fat 4.44

Monounsaturated Fat 10.54

Cholesterol 96.00


Sodium 445.50


Potassium 829.00

Total Carbohydrate 31.30


Dietary Fiber 10.30


Sugars 16.62

Protein 42.87

Vitamin A 15.00%

Vitamin C 17.50%

Calcium 9.50%

Iron 25.50%

* Nutritional Values are estimated and may vary

³ Description

Unlikely combination, but seriously tastes so bomb. Very few ingredients (our favorite), and super protein filled. Always like to make my easy meals on Mondays, so if you’re the same, I definitely recommend.

² Ingredients

  •  1 oz, boneless, cooked, skinless Chicken Breast (Skin Not Eaten)
  •  1/2 tsp Cinnamon
  •  1 pear, small (approx 3 per lb) Pears
  •  1 spear, small (5" long or less) Asparagus
  •  1 oz Almonds

q Directions

Dice and slice asparagus and pear, spread on greased cooking sheet. Pour almonds over the top, and sprinkle everything with cinnamon. Bake with chicken on 350 for 15 minutes. Take out, cut up chicken. Saute all ingredients together in greased pan for 5 minutes or until everything is golden brown. (Can top with a little balsamic, but I ate it without it was so tasty).

Recipe Provided by @busygirlseatclean

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